Most important in this update is the HTML5 video players compatibility for Vimeo and YouTube. First, the plugin will try to use the Flash players and in case Flash is not available, it will go for the HTML5 players.

There are some notes though: in Firefox, Vimeo won’t load any videos when using HTML5 player because they use H264 and Firefox doesn’t support it. YouTube also has some limitations that can be found here: YouTube HTML5 Video Player.

Featured Articles PRO 2.4.8 changelog

  1. HTML5 video player compatibility for Vimeo and YouTube;
  2. Start and end publishing dates for slideshows (slideshows can be programmed to display/stop displaying in your blog at user defined dates);
  3. Editor button to easily insert shortcodes to display slideshows in posts and pages;
  4. Screen options for slideshows list page and slides list page in WordPress administration;
  5. Improved process of selecting pages and categories to display slideshows when using automatic placement option (custom taxonomies now available);
  6. Solved bug that was causing the order of Featured Content slides not to be saved as set;
  7. Images in slideshows now have width and height set on them for a better overall performance score of pages.

Themes created for versions prior to this update are fully compatible with 2.4.8 so no changes are needed. Also, the plugin is fully compatible with WordPress 3.4.